Today, is December 21st. the first day of Winter. If you've been out in this wind today, the wind must be feeling quite blustery and bone chilling.
The wind today is a lot colder then the high winds the Tennis Doctor endured along the Interstate Highway 70, with temperatures of 80-85 degrees. The Tennis Doctor, who "has racquet and does travel" with his racquet, and talks about his trip, and the uneasiness of the wind blowing his Iron Horse around at 40-45 mph in early Augus, 2010 on the return leg of his "bucket list" trip.
"There is enough wind today," says the Tennis Doctor, "to take me back to my solo motorcycle trip across the plains of Kansas, and the mid-west, and to remind me to be thankful of my safe return home this holiday season."
Below you are invited to share, along with the Tennis Doctor, his experience of daybreaking early morning experience of heavy winds, cars passing at 70 mph (the speed limit) and to the sound of the wind turning the wind turbines in the Plains States, while stopped to adjust the supply of water, tent, luggage and other essentials, strapped and hooked to the back, rear sides, and front of his 650 Yamaha Classic on his Coast to Coast so journ.
The Tennis Doctor.